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'Minecraft Tactics' (Mojang Art Test)

Single and multi-unit select was an interesting challenge I've never faced before, as well as a lot of other RTS focused mechanics (camera, resource gathering etc.) but it was cool seeing everything come together!

Single and multi-unit select was an interesting challenge I've never faced before, as well as a lot of other RTS focused mechanics (camera, resource gathering etc.) but it was cool seeing everything come together!

Resource gathering is one of the main mechanics of any RTS - and what just happens to be the core gameplay of Minecraft? MINING! Therefore it was super easy to make this connection and maintain MC's game 'flavour' but in a whole new way! Chop chop chop!

Resource gathering is one of the main mechanics of any RTS - and what just happens to be the core gameplay of Minecraft? MINING! Therefore it was super easy to make this connection and maintain MC's game 'flavour' but in a whole new way! Chop chop chop!

Experimenting with pathfinding and unit AI was a lot of fun to try out on this prototype - I learned a lot! Always make sure you watch out for those cheeky ambushes when adventuring out in the wild! 😱⚔️

Experimenting with pathfinding and unit AI was a lot of fun to try out on this prototype - I learned a lot! Always make sure you watch out for those cheeky ambushes when adventuring out in the wild! 😱⚔️

'Minecraft Tactics' (Mojang Art Test)

For part of my Mojang art test I was asked to 'reimagine the look/style of Minecraft for a hypothetical new game'. Instead of just doing concepts or something boring I went a bit overboard and just fully dev'd a Minecraft RTS prototype! 😅⛏️